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- First elected at 29 years old. Top candidate for 5 consecutive terms.
Born and raised in Kawasaki - Chairman of Political Affairs and Research, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Kawasaki Branch
Managing Policy - Former President of the Kawasaki City Kindergarten Association Parents’ Committee
Currently raising 3 boys / Struggling to raise 3 boys! - Flag Football World Cup
Other accomplishments include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
5 Stances
- Political stance
- Stance on funds
- Stance on problem solving
- Stance on the Council
- Stance on Kawasaki City
4 Commitments
- Crime prevention and Safety
- Educational Reform
- Childcare Assistance
- Care for the Elderly
Welcome to Aonori Café, where you can interact with Councilor Norio Aoki and express your thoughts and opinions. The more you engage with us, the greater the chance of your voice being heard by the city council. We invite you to visit the Aonori café and speak with us whenever you can.
In the Press
Aonori Report
- 市制100周年記念号
- 令和6年第2回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和6年第1回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和5年第5回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和5年第4回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和5年第2回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和5年第1回川崎市議会定例会
- 令和4年第5回川崎市議会定例会
Town News
- 新議場にて初審議「開かれた市議会に」
- 川崎の未来へ。動く、進める。
- 「声をかたちに」令和5年度予算案について
- いよいよ高津区も屈折検査機導入へ
- 町会・自治会活動応援補助金について
- 川崎の未来へ、動く、進める。
- 小児医療費助成拡充へ ー所得制限なし 中学3年生までー
- 川崎の未来へ。動く、進める。
Norio Aoki’s office accepts interns twice a year, in spring and summer.
The time has flown by and Spring 2022 marked Councilor Aoki’s 25th term in office.
When I first agreed to accept interns, I thought it would be a good opportunity for students to learn about politics. However, I was pleasantly surprised by their strong personalities, passion, and ability to ask insightful questions. Now, I find that I learn more from them than from anyone else, including the office staff.